Recruitment Sign-Up Night
Best Practices for Recruitment Night:
  • Sign-Up night is at the school where most new members attend
    • Packs that have high attendance from multiple Schools offer multiple Signup nights
    • This is so important the Grand Canyon Council will pay to reserve space if necessary
  • Sign-Up night is a stand alone event
    • Not back to school, or a Pack meeting
  • Sign-Up nights are held on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday
    • There is no way to send a day before reminder for a Monday and Families have other activities on Fridays
  • Sign up nights take place early in the school year
    • With a goal of the second or third week of school

This is the Families First Scouting Experience 

Consider the expectations the new families have of an organization

  1. See the adventure they will be a part of
  2. Learn when and where meetings take place and who to contact
  3. Learn what is expected of the new member families – Time, Training, Volunteerism, Cost
  4. Sing-Up – They did come to an event called a Sign-Up Night

Be Clear in the expectations the organization (Pack) has of the families and the signup night

  1. Develop new Dens (With new volunteer leadership)
  2. Sing-Up new youth members

Example Speaking notes and videos can be found in the Toolbox.

It is important and expected that a district representative (not currently registered with the pack) attend the join nights.

Best Practices After the Sign-Up Night:

Units Follow-up

  • Provide a welcome phone call and/or email to new families
  • Ensure the first den meeting is within 2 weeks of joining
  • A 2nd chance/Raincheck recruitment/Bring a friend/Fill the Den opportunity exists for all new and returning in the first month of program
  • An outdoor activity or adventure is available within the first month of the Sing-Up night
  • This can be the 2nd join activity

District Follow-up

  • Submit all paper applications and registration payments to the council for the unit within 2 business days
    • Online Registration is strongly preferred to help speed the process up remove opportunities for error/misplaced registration items
  • Recognize successful units at the district level
    • And help plan next steps if units did not preform as well as they aimed to with the first Sign-Up Night
  • Record unit success with the council so the unit receives council recognition and incentives

Council Follow-up

  • Provide a welcome email to new families including offer for a free Council Patch to welcome them to the Grand Canyon Council
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