SRP Presidents’ Volunteer Spirit Award - Featured in Grand Canyon Connection No. 7
Congratulations! The Grand Canyon Council would like to congratulate Brandon Dean as a recipient of the 2020 SRP Presidents’ Volunteer Spirit Award for his extraordinary individual volunteer commitment to the Boy Scouts of America. The Presidents’ Volunteer Spirit Award represents SRP’s rich heritage of community service and efforts of their employees who make a difference by volunteering their time, talents, and resources to build stronger communities.
SRP is contributing $2,500 to the Boy Scouts of America Grand Canyon Council in recognition of Brandon’s efforts. SRP has more than a century of experience anticipating, planning, and executing strategies to make the most of Arizona’s precious resources to meet the needs of our water and energy customers. Their dedicated employees strive to make Arizona a great place to live and work, and their volunteerism connects SRP to the community in ways that enrich all of us.
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