Recording Youth Training

The unit key 3 has the ability to access the Training Manager in my.scouting to record face to face training that youth have completed. This would include Den Chief Training, Introduction to Leadership Skills, NYLT, NAYLE and the NYLT Leadership Academy and others.

Youth training records are a part of the training manager and can be very useful in reviewing the training a youth has completed, eligibility for NYLT, potential NYLT staff selection and other roles of continuing youth leadership. 

To add youth training, go to the Training Manager in the my.scouting website. Choose the “add/search” function. 

From there, select “Optional Youth Training”.  Most courses will be in this drop down box although additional training is in the “Other” drop down box or the program specific drop down. You can then select the appropriate course and the course dates.  From there, add members and submit. 

If you need help with this, you can contact your district training chair or the council training chair, Allyn Calhoun at 

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