Celebrating Two New Eagle Scouts in the Central/Metro Community – Honoring Service and Achievement!
Congratulations to our two new Eagle Scouts in the Central/Metro Community for achieving this significant milestone in December. These exceptional Scouts have a bright future ahead, and we extend our gratitude for their patriotism and service to both our community and our nation! Collectively, these two young adults contributed nearly 200 hours of service to our community. Congratulations to the following individuals (from left to right in the photo):
- Bennett C. (Troop 329) – Trail Restoration
- Noah S. (Troop 747) – Decorative Wooden Wall
None of this would be possible without the support, guidance, and love of their parents, friends, family members, and dedicated Scouter volunteers who have assisted them throughout their journey. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to YOU, our committed volunteers, for participating in their Board of Review, and to the Camelback Church of Christ for graciously hosting the event. Congratulations to our exceptional Eagle Scouts! You did it!
OPPORTUNITY If you are interested in serving on an Eagle Board of Review, we meet every third Thursday of the month from 6:45 to 8:15 PM. This is one of the most rewarding volunteer opportunities in Scouting, as you will have the chance to witness a Scout’s journey from Cub Scout to Eagle Scout and celebrate their accomplishments alongside their families. It is truly the best job ever! For more information, please contact Jason Bowles, Central/Metro Community Chair, at jbowles@sonoranls.com