Special Needs

Since its founding, the Boy Scouts of America has served youth members with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. Scouting is uniquely positioned among youth programs to meet the needs of children with various disabilities by providing diverse programs and social experiences.

The basic premise of Scouting for youth with special needs is that every Scout wants to participate fully and be respected like every other member of the troop.

While there are, by necessity, troops exclusively composed of Scouts with special needs; experience has shown that Scouting usually succeeds best when every Scout is part of a patrol in a regular troop.

  • The goals of GCC Special Needs & Scouting:
    Help understand what exactly a “Special Need” is
  • Provide a Resource for Parents and Leaders of Special Needs Scouts in all levels of Scouting
  • Help Unit Leaders develop an awareness of special needs individuals among youth without these challenges
  • Encouraging the inclusion of Scouts with Special Needs in the regular Pack, Troop, Crew or Ship

If you have questions, please contact Disabilities.Awareness@scouting.org

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