Join Scouting

This page is designed to help you become familiar with Scouting and answer some questions you may have.

Why Join Scouting?

We are excited that you are interested in joining the Grand Canyon Council, Boy Scouts of America! For more than 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, these values are just as relevant in helping youth grow to their full potential as they were in 1910. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives.

The Grand Canyon Council provides youth with programs and activities that allow them to

  • Try new things.
  • Provide service to others.
  • Build self-confidence.
  • Reinforce ethical standards.

While various activities and youth groups teach basic skills and promote teamwork, Scouting goes beyond that and encourages youth to achieve a deeper appreciation for service to others in their community. Scouting provides youth with a sense that they are important as individuals.

 Learn more about the benefits of Scouting for today’s youth.

What are the Scouting Programs?

The Scouting experience is divided into programs according to age and activities. There are programs for youth age 5 through 18.

Cub Scouting

Youth Grades K-5

A year-round, family-friendly program designed for children in kindergarten through fifth grade (ages 5-10). Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting—citizenship training, character development and personal fitness.

Scouts BSA

Youth 11-17 years old

Designed for ages 11-17, youth in Scouts BSA learn responsible citizenship, character development and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities and educational programs.


Co-ed 14-20 years old

Our high-adventure based program for young men and women between the ages of 14 and 20. Its purpose is to provide positive experiences to help youth mature and prepare them to become responsible adults.


Co-ed 10-20 years old

A career development program for young men and women between the ages of 14 and 20. Exploring units have a focus on a single career field, such as police, fire/rescue, health, law, aviation and engineering.

Sea Scouts

Co-ed 14-20 years old

A program for young men and women between the ages of 14 and 20 that promotes citizenship and improved members’ boating skills through instruction and practice in water safety, boating skills, and knowledge of maritime heritage.

Want to learn more about what the Boy Scouts of America has to offer? Learn more about our programs and the benefits of Scouting for today’s youth.

Youth Protection Training

The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders with resources for the Cub Scout, Scouts BSA and Venturing programs.

Youth Protection Training

The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders with resources for the Cub Scout, Scouts BSA and Venturing programs.

Frequently Asked Questions:

We understand you may have questions when starting your Scouting adventure! 

When compared to the cost of sports and many other activities, there is no doubt that Scouting delivers great value to its members!

Scouting charge fees for membership and program. Council and unit fundraising will help with those costs including Popcorn sales and will give a Scout the opportunity to earn the money needed to participate in summer camp or other programs.

Annual Membership Fee Effective August 1, 2022 until July 2023: The annual youth registration fee is only $150 which covers 12 months of membership from August 2022 to July 2023. Costs include BSA National Membership Fee, and Local Program Fee. There is a one time *National BSA new-member joining fee of $25 for new youth members and for only $1 a month, $12 for the year, Scouts may subscribe to Scout Life magazine (optional).

*National New Member Joining is for New Scouts, not renewed membership or joining additional Scouting units (like by crossing-over).

Local Units Dues: To cover the costs of awards and recognition, crafts, and special events most local units have program dues. Units may offer opportunities to conduct fundraisers to offset these costs.  Dues are established by the families in the unit through the unit committee. Most units charge a small upfront fee and not the full years program cost so families have an opportunity to participate in fundraisers. (Unit: term used to designate any one of the following: pack, troop, crew, ship) 


Meeting times and locations vary. Typically, though, units meet weekly or bi-weekly during the school year and less frequently during the summer. Each individual unit will work to set a meeting location and schedule that is convenient for its members. With a number of units meeting in most neighborhoods, there is sure to be an option that fits within your family’s schedule.

Absolutely! Scouting seeks to provide the positive outcomes of character development and leadership skills for all eligible youth. Since its founding in 1910, the BSA has guided young men and women of all abilities down their path to success. Based on the individual needs and circumstances involved, unit leadership will work with a child’s parents to ensure a challenging and rewarding Scouting experience.


Although there are many resources available to find more information about Scouting, the best is a direct connection with your local unit leadership! From meeting times, to planned activities, they’ll provide answers to all of your Scouting questions.

You’ve made a great choice to explore the fun and adventure of Scouting! To get started, simply complete a youth application and submit it, along with the annual registration and program fee, to your unit’s leadership. They will guide you step-by-step through the process. Haven’t yet found a unit, or need contact information? Click here for options near you!

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! There is nothing more rewarding than helping young people take their first steps down the path to success. It’s easy to get started! Find a unit near you and get in touch! They will guide you step-by-step through the process.

Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader: Learn more about Adult Leader Training .

Ready to Get Started?

Have you Joined a Scouting Unit? If not, visit a fast an easy website to find a Scouting unit near you!
Getting Started as a New Parent and Leader:

Once you’ve joined Scouting, there are lots of resources available within your new Scouting group, in your local district (a geographic service area of several dozen Scouting groups), and through Grand Canyon Council (the local Scouting entity, made up of six districts). If you need help finding your local resources, please give us a call at 602- 955- 7747 or email us

Volunteering with Scouting is as rewarding to them as it is meaningful to the kids. Watching kids grow is one thing — leading them through the process is a whole new experience altogether. Interested in volunteering? Find a unit near you and get in touch! Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader: Learn more about Adult Leader Training .

Starting a New Scouting Unit:

The District Executive, a professional Scouter, is responsible for providing direct service to districts (service area of several Scouting groups) and is available to advise and support a new-unit organizer. Grand Canyon Council is made up of six Districts:


  • Field Director, Matt Hill, 602-451-8932
  • Director of Field Services, Davis Fox, 602-955-7747, ext. 251 
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